Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You want to get rid of Beurocracy? Then you need TDD!

  • Are you complaining that Beurocracy has got crept in your organization over the period of time?
  • Do you think processes are overheads & they are killing your Creativity as well as Productivity?
  • Are you annoyed by the "Process People" eating up your time & beating you with some nonsense metrics?

If yes; then it's just natural.
Its just like the code we write. We design "Process" as stringent as possible. As orgnaization grows old; people stop following them. Not only that; the needs change; hence the processes become redundant. We hardly bother to refactor them. Nothing different than the legacy code.

Try adopting a TDD approach.
  • Process makers should not allowed to design any process unless they write a "failing test". This failing test should be approved by some one senior.
  • Example: If you are making a security process then may be we have a stroy like following:
    • Tom is programmer who doesn't bother to lock his machine; when he is not around. On a particular day at lunch time; some one opens his machine & use his account for malicious purpose. This should not happen.
  • They design the process that is just enough to make the test pass.
  • The design should not be more stringent than necessary ... just minimal.
  • As they write & satisfy more tests; they should refactor their process design.

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